Comtemplating the Unfinished Work

Rain as The Holy Spirit

God is holding out the olive branch symbolically through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, also called the Comforter, leads us to the truth. Jesus is the Truth. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Coming into greater relationship with God will require a burning away of our selfish inclinations and a seeking to find satisfaction in Him. Even though Jesus is hidden symbolicaly, behind the wave of the Holy Spirit, there is no division. The mystery of the oneness of God is seen here.
Former and Later Rains

When the Holy Spirit touches our lives there should be an awakening of spiritual understanding. The mystery of our rituals should take on new meaning. Let's take the Lord's supper as an example. The broken bread is His Body and the cup is His Blood poured out for us. He is asking us to come to the table into a new and lasting relationship. But in accepting the invitation we ingest the reality of what was accomplished on the cross. He takes our sins and we gain the eternal life that is in Him. For apart from Him there is no life. The cross has bridged the gap between a Holy, Righteous God and a rebelious, self centered people. The way of the cross is narrow and few are willing to take it, but there is a Kingdom that we are preparing for. Are you preparing for it too?
Intercession in the Rain

The Holy Spirit desires not only to touch and restore you, but to enpower you to do good works. This is another aspect of our relationship with God. This can cover a lot of ground and can be different for each individual. One person may be called to a different people group on foreign soil, another to a secular job giving glory to God by having the fruits of the Holy Spirit evident in their life. In either case prayer and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit will determine their spiritual maturity.
Special Forces in the Heavenlies